Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Number One Myth On Utah Voucher Legislation

The sneakiest bit of misinformation that is now being disseminated in the voucher debate is this.

"Vouchers take away money from the public school system and hurt those schools.”
Joann Hansen--volunteer for "Utahns for Public Schools"
Try reading the legislation again.


Anonymous said...

Give us a break. The legislature is now supporting TWO DIffERENT AND COMPETING educational systems.

Don't kid yourself. Every dollar trickled into private schools (secular and parochial) is a dollar which won't be spent on the main public education system -- or elsewhere.

I have no problem at all with well to do people segregating their "young darlings" from the rest of human culture - provided these elitists pick up their own tab.

Giving taxpayer money to these elistist private endeavors is an entirely different proposition though.

This voucher business is Right Wing Socialism at its very worst.

You people who support it ought to take your moral compasses to the repair shop.

Government should NEVER devote taxpayer money to directly support private enterprise.

The "libertarian" question, whether government should even operate a public school system, is an entirely separate question, of course.

Natalie Gordon said...

You go, Al!

Tyler, would you prefer, "Vouchers take money away from roads, higher ed, the disability waiting list, prisons, and every other government function. And then, the government gives those dollars to a private, for-profit industry with fewer regulations than our public schools. Oh, yeah, don't forget that the private schools don't have to accept disabled kids." I could go on.

A dollar spent on vouchers is a dollar that can't go anywhere else. Including Higher Ed, which is funded with both the income tax earmark and the general fund. So, less general fund money for higher ed means that public ed is being shortchanged.

Also, it is naive to think that the legislature is going to choose to (or be able to) continue to fund a program like vouchers, with it's escalating cost, out of the general fund. That's why every few sessions (including 2006) the legislature tries to run a resolution supporting a constitutional change removing the public/higher ed earmark on the income tax.

And, to my new pal Al, the legislature already supports two different and competing educational systems with traditional schools and charter schools. Vouchers makes three.

Anyone who wants to sign the petition and hasn't had a chance yet, email me at and I'll bring it by your house.

Anonymous said...

The big problem with this whole thing is that most of the people who are pushing Vouchers are people who don't have school age kids. They want to make Utah the great experiment for their precious anti-public school program. Those of us who do actually see how well our public schools do in spite of the many unecissary obstacles they face.

Vouchers are a fools errand for a few crusaders who hate government being involved in educating our kids. In Utah there can be no doubt that those who are pushing this wasteful program on us don't have the best interests of our kids or our tax dollars in mind.

Anonymous said...

Ugh...the last sentence in the first paragraph of that last post should have said:

"Those of us who do actually have kids in the system see how well our public schools do in spite of the many unnecessary obstacles they face.”

I promise I learned to proofread in the Utah public school I attended! I just forgot this time :-)

Natalie Gordon said...

Jeremy, I have appreciated your intelligent point of view on this issue - especially on the Senate Site.

And, if you want to join the PTA, I can set you up!

Anonymous said...

Boy, the cup is still half empty.

I enjoy the ad hominem attacks on the mythological figures who support the vouchers.

I know many of those people. Those I've come into contact with all have children. Many have children in public schools and I'm certain quite a few of them are happy with where their children are at and will, most likely, keep them in the public school system.

Obviously, you all know much more about their personal lives and views than they, themselves do.

Go ahead and vilify them, they're used to it anyway.

Banana said...

if you are still unsure how to vote on Utah Referendum 1, you can find a practical comparison of arguments on both sides of the issue at:

ryanbyrd said...

Let me explain the American educational system. You see, for a long time there were two types of kids, the regular kids and the rich kids. Regular kids go to public schools where they get beaten up, experiment with drugs and, if they’re lucky, learn stuff. Rich kids (or, rather the children of rich parents), go to stuffy-sounding “prep” schools with names like The Waterford or the Milton Academy. Everybody at these schools is good looking, wears plaid uniforms and gets to go to Ivy League colleges. That’s how it’s always been.

That is, until now.

read more: School voucher madness