Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Daily Herald - County jails may get more money for state prisoners

In May, June, and August I blogged about the soaring costs of housing state inmates in County Jails. The rebuke to State, as it applies to Davis County, is that the County provides beds State inmates and is only reimbursed about half of the total cost. (Don't be fooled by the 70% reimbursement figure. The State only reimburses 70% of 70% of the total cost. Doing the math, the amount reimbursed is 50%. Talk about creative accounting!)

Now a Bill is heading to the House that would increase the rate of reimbursement, accounting for expenses like the cost of the buildings. It would still not take into account the medical expenses, which I've blogged about previously.

Daily Herald - County jails may get more money for state prisoners

Thursday, January 26, 2006

The Tax Foundation - India's 'Bribe Taxes' and the Cost of Doing Business

The following questions should make us all feel better for living where we do.

Should Companies get to count the bribes they pay to government employees on their taxes or not? I mean, how long do I have to wait for an answer to this one?

The Tax Foundation - India's 'Bribe Taxes' and the Cost of Doing Business

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Salt Lake Tribune - Utah:New West Bountiful mayor fires police chief

West Bountiful's Mayor has every right to assemble the team that he wants, but to fire someone with no explanation is too harsh! When asked about his exit interview with the new Mayor, Mike Wright had this to say, “I asked for an explanation, and he didn't give me one,” he said. “I'm 52 and I've never been fired before.”

Salt Lake Tribune - Utah:New West Bountiful mayor fires police chief

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Salt Lake Tribune - Utah:Kanab endorses 'natural' families

I wonder what knee-jerk resolutions will result from this in other communities? Let's say Equality Utah sends a resolution to cities promoting tolerance?

Salt Lake Tribune - Utah:Kanab endorses 'natural' families

Salt Lake Tribune - Utah:Two Salt Lakes war over doggy-doo sign

The first paragraph used to read:

" NORTH SALT LAKE - Dog owners beware: Bring your own collection bag next time your canine friend decides to leave something unpleasant on the hillside trail between Davis and Salt Lake counties. "

Now it reads:

The content item you have requested is no longer available.

Salt Lake Tribune - Utah

Thursday, January 12, 2006

Idaho ponders having prisoners sleep in shifts - Yahoo! News

Here is an interesting solution to the prison population problem that Utah faces now. Davis County could implement this in it's jail when crowding occurs. We currently have 500 inmates. This solution could theoretically double the capacity of the jail to 1000 inmates!

Detracters of this concept say that it isn't the number of beds, but the amount of space that should be considered.

Idaho ponders having prisoners sleep in shifts - Yahoo! News

Thursday, January 05, 2006

Dannie McConkie wants Utah Republican National Committee job

Rumor has it that Commissioner McConkie wants to be the next Utah Republican National Committeeman. My two bits: On principle this would be a bad idea since McConkie has proven to be such a poorly constructed conservative. From a practical standpoint, he would do a great job of raising money for the GOP. Just don't let him decide how it's spent.

Hat tip: Utah Policy

Clipper:Smoldering SLC-NSL issue flares anew

This ongoing saga is giving me a headache. Anyone wondering why I don't post much anymore-This is it!

Smoldering SLC-NSL issue flares anew

Which leads me to the quote of the day.

“I think it was incredibly petty. We put up doggy doo doo signs, and you take them down"
-Rocky Anderson talking about NSL's removal of SLC's 'No poo-poo signs'.