Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Voucher Heat Too Great

I'm being intentionally vague here, but my wife, who has no dog in this fight, has been pulled into the voucher dispute. She isn't a political nut, as I might be, and really is just trying to get along. My feeling is that this voucher dispute has become far to much of a civil war, pitting brother against sister, and that we ought to take a step back and ask ourselves what we are really doing to each other.

Dirty tactics have been used on both sides.

At its core, the voucher law lacks the insidiousness for which it has been charged. A public vote on voucher will also mean less than the rhetoric from both sides suggest.

Please put away your weapons. There is no need for alarm.


Alice said...

Not that I have any idea what you're talking about, but...

It's too bad we can't just respectfully disagree, isn't it.

I think your wife is great!

Tyler Farrer said...

I can't be specific yet about how or why my wife has been involved.

I'm sure I'll get to talk about it later.

Natalie Gordon said...

I absolutely adore your wife - no matter what.

Getting to know you two and like you both (a lot) before I started to figure out your politics has been a wonderful experience for me. I am hoping that I disagree without being disagreeable, and that I respect you both even when we disagree.

I hope she follows her heart on this, and does what she wants. No matter what, she has my respect and admiration.

The Senate Site said...

Timely reminder. Thanks TF.